AOMS Attendance Form - for Parents
Absences (full day)
- Please fill out the AOMS Attendance Form as soon as you are aware that your student will not be attending school for the day. This will allow teachers to expect that the student will not be present in class.
- You will need to fill out the form each day your student is absent.
- Please provide a doctor’s note when you return to school
Tardies and Late Drop Off
- If you have a planned late drop off, please complete the Attendance Form in the morning before school starts. These are for doctor’s appointments and other excused absences. Please bring a dr’s note when your student comes to school.
- If your student is late to school, please come into the office to sign your student in. Your student will then be given a pass to class. If your student sleeps in, it is considered tardy.
Early Pick Up
- Preferred method is to have your student bring a signed note from you before school starts. They will be given a pass to leave class at the pick up time and will be in the office waiting for you.
- Include: your student's name, grade, reason for leaving, pick up time, the name of the adult picking up, and if the student will be returning to school that day.
- If you forget to send a note, please complete the Attendance Form at least 1 hr prior to the pick up to have your student waiting in the office. Otherwise, you will need to wait for your student to be pulled from class. This can take 5-15 minutes depending on staff availability to run the pass.
- You must bring your Driver’s License or Government Issued ID to pick up a student.Only adults (18+) listed on the student's emergency contact list may pick up a student from school.
Excused absences are granted for illness, mental or behavioral health, quarantine from the health dept., doctor/dental appointments, funerals for immediate family members, court appearances, cultural ceremonies or events, or specific religious holidays. All other types of absences are unexcused. A note requesting an excused absence for a religious holiday is required at least two days in advance. (Ed Code 48205)
Unexcused absences include vacation, personal, family or business emergencies, and personal days. Unexcused absences accrue and, by law, the third unexcused absence is identified as truancy. Students with truancies may be subject to disciplinary action and may be taken to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
Under state law, a student who, without a valid excuse, is absent from school for three full days in one school year, OR is tardy or absent for more than 30 minutes during the school day in one school year, is considered truant.
All absences after 10 days will require a Doctor’s Note.
If your student is late to school, please come into the front office to sign your student into school and your student will receive a pass to class.
Consequences for tardies:
- 1 Unexcused Tardy = Warning
- 2 Unexcused Tardies = Warning + Reflection Form
- 3 Unexcused Tardies = Parent Notification + ½ Hour Detention
- 4 Unexcused Tardies = Parent Notification + 1 Hour Detention
- 5 Unexcused Tardies = Referral to Assistant Principal + Progressive Consequences
Violations for truancy will result in similar interventions, but will be implemented at a faster rate and may include a review by the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
For any attendance questions, please contact:
760-331-6193 (please do not leave attendance calls on this line).
Attendance Matters, All Day, Every Day – Absences Add Up