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PE Department


  • Mrs. Borders 
  • Mr. Knoll 
  • Mr. Pier 
  • Mrs. Ploski 
  • Mr. Trager 

Submit your Dance PE Application to Mrs. Borders or the Counseling Office.

Dance PE Application



Independent Study PE is offered to students who compete in an independent sport at a regional, state or national level. Team sports are not eligible for ISPE.

Requirements that must be met for your student’s application to be considered. 

  1. Documentation is required to demonstrate that your student has been actively competing in at least three regional, national, or state individual competitive events within the last six months. These documents must be provided on the organization's letterhead or printed from the organization's website, and they must provide clear results and evidence of your child's participation in the competition.
  2. Provide proof of your coach's insurance, which must name CUSD as additionally insured. All ISPE coaches must carry General Liability insurance for the activity in which they are giving instruction. Please note that homeowner policies, declarations, summaries, bills, invoices, etc. are not acceptable proofs of insurance and will result in automatic denial of ISPE.

Please read the application packet thoroughly and return your applications to our main office.

DUE DATE MAY 1st for the next school year. 

Application for ISPE - Due May 1st for the next school year

We cannot accept late applications. If your application is not approved, you may appeal the decision before June 13th to the principal.

Questions? Contact Sam Eshelman, Assistant Principal and ISPE Coordinator

760.331.6198 or