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Student Resources

Student Resources

Aviara Oaks Middle School is committed to ensuring that all students enjoy the best possible experience - both in school and beyond.  Here you can find a variety of resources to utilize during your middle school journey. For additional resources, questions or concerns, please contact the AOMS Counseling office.



Aviara Oaks Middle School integrates WEB into our school culture. What is WEB? WEB stands for Where Everybody Belongs and is a sixth grade transition program, a leadership training program, and a school community-building program. 


There are several objectives of the WEB program:

  • To empower eighth graders as role models for sixth graders and students new to the district.
  • To increase academic success through support of peers.
  • To develop leadership skills in students.
  • To allow successful older students to pass on positive traditions to younger students.
  • To expose students to a variety of individuals at AOMS in positive situations.
  • To teach students that by working together they can be successful and enjoy one another.
  • To help create a supportive and positive atmosphere on campus.


We are looking forward to a very exciting and successful year with the implementation of the WEB program at AOMS. If you are a sixth grader at AOMS, seek out a WEB Leader to help you with school-related questions. It’s going to be a great experience for all!!


Additional resources to help you transition to middle school:





* AOMS offers Math Tutoring.  Click here for more information.



Learning how to motivate yourself, being organized, and knowing how to learn and study based on your personality are all key elements to being successful in school. The links below are provided to help you succeed in your educational journey.



Many students have mastered the art of turning in homework and classwork but for them, doing well on tests is still a challenge. A poor test score can pull a student's grade down dramatically. Below are some resources for preparing for assessments.

** Additional specific academic resources can be found by visiting individual academic subject pages under the "Academics" tab in the navigation bar.


Being a teenager in San Diego is tough.  There are difficult choices to be made and pressures to deal with everyday.  Sometimes it will be up to you to make your own choices but there may be times when you need some outside help.  This resource guide was made with the intention to get you help when you need it.  

If you need help - ask!  Everyone has problems that are difficult to handle and nobody wants you to deal with them on your own.  There is a solution to every problem so keep asking until you get someone that cares.