All Absences Matter Whether excused or unexcused, every absence counts! Research indicates that students who miss more than 18 days of school (10% or more) see a negative impact on their academic performance. Each missed day is a missed opportunity to learn.
Appointments Whenever possible, schedule appointments outside school hours. Every missed class is considered an absence for that subject. Don’t forget to provide a doctor’s note to the Attendance Office.
Tardiness Frequent tardiness is linked to lower GPAs, poorer performance on standardized tests, and reduced graduation rates. Being on time is crucial for academic success.
Communication If your child will be absent, please complete the AOMS Attendance Form and inform your child’s teacher. Prompt notification to the Attendance office for each day of absence is vital. Additionally, should your child need to be picked up early, this form can facilitate that process. We kindly request a minimum of one hour’s notice.
Special Circumstances Every student’s situation is unique. If there are challenges preventing your child from attending school, contact the campus. We have resources and support to help.
Good habits begin early. EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS!